祝贺!JSAN期刊编委团队28位学者入围全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 | MDPI News
发表时间:2024-10-07 阅读量:295
2024年9月16日,美国斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 发布了最新全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 (World's Top 2% Scientists)。此次榜单以Scopus数据库为依据,结合引用次数、H-index、HM-index等综合指标,根据学术生涯影响力和年度影响力从全球近百万名科学家中遴选出世界排名前2%的科学家。榜单主要分为“终身科学影响力排行榜 (1960年至2024年)”和“2024年度科学影响力排行榜”两个榜单。
据统计,MDPI 的 Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 期刊编委团队共有28位学者因其突出的学术贡献入围全球前2%顶尖科学家 (占编委总数高达38%)。在此,Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 期刊团队向他们致以诚挚的祝贺,同时也衷心感谢他们为期刊发展做出的卓越贡献。
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 所有入围学者
Prof. Dr. Lei Shu |
1. Nanjing Agricultural University 2. University of Lincoln |
Prof. Dr. Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues |
1. Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) 2. Instituto de Telecomunicações |
Prof. Dr. Sherali Zeadally |
University of Kentucky |
Prof. Dr. Jie Wu |
Temple University |
Prof. Dr. Guangjie Han |
Hohai University |
Dr. Mohamed Amine Ferrag |
Guelma University |
Prof. Dr. Song Guo |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Prof. Dr. Kaspar Althoefer |
Queen Mary University of London |
Prof. Dr. Raja Jurdak |
Queensland University of Technology |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard P. Hancke |
1. Nanjing University of Post and TeleCommunication 2. University of Pretoria |
Prof. Dr. Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz |
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research |
Dr. Xing Xie |
Microsoft Research Asia |
Dr. Gianmarco Baldini |
European Commission Joint Research Centre |
Prof. Dr. Emiliano Sisinni |
University of Brescia |
Prof. Dr. Marimuthu Palaniswami |
University of Melbourne |
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hammoudeh |
Manchester Metropolitan University |
Prof. Dr. Han-Chieh Chao |
National Dong Hwa University |
Prof. Dr. Hussein Mouftah |
University of Ottawa |
Dr. Dario Sabella |
Intel Corporation |
Dr. Minseok Kim |
Chonnam National University |
Prof. Dr. Igor Bisio |
University of Genoa |
Dr. Claudio Savaglio |
University of Calabria |
Dr. Antonio Celesti |
University of Messina |
Prof. Dr. Pascal Lorenz |
Universite de Haute Alsace |
Dr. Alessio Botta |
University of Naples Federico II |
Dr. Jordi Mongay Batalla |
Warsaw University of Technology |
Prof. Dr. Amiya Nayak |
University of Ottawa |
Prof. Dr. Pierpaolo Boffi |
Politecnico di Milano |
未来,Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 期待与更多学术界同行共同推进开放科学的蓬勃发展。
Feature Papers in the Section of Network Security and Privacy
Edited by Dr. Jordi Mongay Batalla, Prof. Dr. Pascal Lorenz and Dr. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis
1. AI and Computing Horizons: Cloud and Edge in the Modern Era
Nasif Fahmid Prangon and Jie Wu
利用互联网的远程计算能力,无需昂贵的硬件,并以较低成本向广大用户提供昂贵的服务,从而产生了云计算的概念。本调查简要概述了云计算、边缘智能和人工智能的日益融合,重点介绍了它们对物联网(IoT) 的革命性影响。
该调查从云计算的基本介绍开始,概述了云计算的关键部分和不同服务提供商提供的服务。随即,讨论人工智能如何通过其本地应用程序和服务提高云计算能力,并创建一个更智能的云。然后重点关注人工智能在一种称为边缘云的流行云范式中的影响,并讨论AI on Edge和AI for Edge。涉及到边缘设备上的人工智能实施如何通过将认知处理更接近数据起源,提高效率和响应来改变边缘和物联网网络,以及主要的云提供商及其在生态系统中的服务产品及其各自的用例。最后,本研究展望了云计算、边缘计算和人工智能在物联网中的融合所带来的新趋势和未来范围。
2. A Review of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Mineral Identification: Classification and Visualization
Teng Long et al.
3. DDoS Attack and Detection Methods in Internet-Enabled Networks: Concept, Research Perspectives, and Challenges
Kazeem B. Adedeji et al.
主编: Prof. Dr. Lei Shu, Nanjing Agricultural University, China; University of Lincoln, UK
期刊主题涵盖传感器/执行器网络的系统架构、操作系统和网络硬件;智能传感器和执行器;工业4.0和嵌入式无线传感器等。期刊已被Scopus、ESCI (Web of Science) 等数据库收录。
● 2023 Impact Factor: 3.3
● 2023 CiteScore: 7.9
● Time to First Decision: 22.6 Days
● Acceptance to Publication: 4.6 Days