百卉含英,万选青钱——MDPI论文发表量超百万 | MDPI News
发表时间:2022-12-15 阅读量:450
2022年12月12日,我们很荣幸地宣布,作为国际领先的金色开放获取 (OA) 出版商,MDPI 论文发表数量突破100万篇。在此,衷心感谢长期以来各界学者对 MDPI 的支持与信任。
MDPI 始终致力于优质快速的出版服务,并以开放、公平、透明和可持续为发展方向,力促科学知识的传播与共享。
目前,共有超过270万位作者在 MDPI 发表论文,与全球学者及时分享他们的科研成果,论文总浏览和下载量达到近40亿次,总引用量超过850万次 (数据来源:Scopus)。此外,60余万名专家审稿人和6.6万名编委的严格把关,为此次里程碑的实现奠定了重要基石。MDPI 亚太学术关系总监刘国水博士表示,“高质量的文章是期刊的命脉所在,是建立行业认同度和维系领域内长远口碑的决定性因素。”因此,“MDPI 人已将严守质量关融进工作的每一刻,在保证快速刊发的同时,绝不放松审稿流程的每一步。”
为了积极推进联合国制定的可持续发展目标 (SDGs),我们为全球学者搭建智库,架起知识开放共享的桥梁。截至今天,MDPI 共出版英文学术期刊418个,其中93个已被 SCIE 收录。期刊涵盖不同学科的多个领域,包括生物、化学、医药、机械、能源等。此外,MDPI 还提供一系列出版相关服务,如 Encyclopedia、Sciforum、MDPI Books、Preprints、Proceedings 等。
My experience as a guest editor was very helpful in various ways:
- To know and understand how the process of editing really is since you receive a manuscript after a decision;
- To recognize the hard work there is in the process.
Also, it was a fruitful experience. The webpage for management is very easy to use and quick.
——Editor: Professor José Verdú-Soriano
My participation as a Guest Editor allowed me to gain experience with Special Issues with MDPI, such as the selection of appropriate scientific topics, and gave me the opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of research works. As a Guest Editor, I took steps to promote and disseminate the Special Issue. Moreover, I encouraged colleagues from my university to publish with MDPI.
在 MDPI 担任客座编辑,让我收获了主持特刊的经验 (例如科学主题的选择),并有机会去了解更广泛的研究工作。作为客座编辑,我积极帮助宣传特刊并鼓励我的大学同事在 MDPI 发表论文。
——Editor: Professor Katarzyna Rzeszut
The collaboration with the MDPI Editorial Office and, especially, with the Managing Editor was excellent, from the setting up of the S.I., through the collection of the papers and review process, to the publication of the S.I. They were very helpful and professional.
与 MDPI 编辑部,特别是与责任编辑的合作体验是极好的。从建立特刊到文章收集和审查过程,再到特刊的文章出版,编辑部都提供了很大的帮助,并且十分专业。
——Editor: Professor Luigi Menghini
I am exceptionally satisfied with MDPI once again! Everything is so organized and made simple. It is evident that MDPI put all efforts into making the submission and publication experience as good as it can be. They think like an author, not only like a publisher. The editorial staff responds very quickly with all the help and information needed and they are very polite every time - response and politeness are very important to me. Especially when I consider the other competing publishers that take months to get a response - if you are lucky to get one after many tries. The paper was refereed fast and efficiently. The time from submission to publication is very fast and this is one of the best features at MDPI. Everything works seamlessly and provides the best publishing experience for the researcher. A publisher that truly cares about the authors. Congratulations MDPI!
我对 MDPI 所提供的出版服务十分满意,一切都是如此的简单且有条理。MDPI 尽一切努力给作者最好的稿件发表体验,是一个真正关心作者的出版商。他们会站在作者的角度思考问题,而不仅仅只是出版商。编辑部的工作人员回复迅速,及时提供所有需要的帮助和信息,并且会礼貌回答每个问题。论文审阅即快速又高效,从提交到发布的时间非常快,这是 MDPI 特色之一。恭喜 MDPI 发表量突破百万!
——Author: Dr. Periklis Gogas
I really appreciate the support and help during the publication process. I would like to thank the Editor for her comprehension, as well as the Editorial team. All of them helped is throughout the whole process, which was very easy, fast and friendly, including the online submission and the reviewing process, which were very efficient. We also wish to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments. I had very fluent communication with the Editor that has helped us with a lot uploading changes, sending her the information by email. She was always available to help. This was my first publication in MDPI and it has been a very positive experience. Thank you!
非常感谢 MDPI 编辑团队在论文出版过程中给予我的支持和帮助。整个发表过程简单、快速、友好,包括在线提交和审查的过程都十分高效。此外,也要感谢审稿人给出的有价值的评论。我与编辑的沟通十分顺利,她帮助我们上传了修改,并通过电子邮件发送信息沟通。这是我第一次在 MDPI 发表文章,是一次很棒的体验。
——Author: Dr. Catalina Ribas
We are already on our third article published in Antioxidants, and this journal is our first choice every time we have extensive studies written. It is an absolute pleasure to work with the Antioxidants editorial staff. The revisions are fast and to the point, with constructive comments that increase the value of the published work. Both managing and assistant editors are always available, and the collaboration is highly efficient. Additionally, what matters most is their friendly, empathetic communication, which is always understanding and helpful at each phase of the editorial process.
我们已经准备在 Antioxidants 发表第三篇文章。每当我们有广泛的研究论文需要发表,该期刊都是我们的第一选择。与 Antioxidants 编辑一起工作是一种荣幸。他们收集同行评审报告速度很快,而且恰到好处,总能给出建设性的意见,以提高发表作品的价值。责任编辑和助理编辑都有很强的执行能力,且协作高效。此外,最重要的是他们在文章发表过程的每一个阶段都十分的善解人意,乐于助人。
——Dr. Violeta Popovici, Author
It was my first experience with MDPI, and it was an impressive one. I learned good skills during the publication process with MDPI. The comments and suggestion from the reviewers and editorial staff were very helpful. I really appreciate the editorial staff. Some of the hidden mistakes were nicely detected and suggested for corrections. All the time the staff was polite in communication.
第一次接触 MDPI 的经历使我印象深刻。在文章出版过程中,我学到了很多。审稿人和编辑的意见与建议帮助我发现了一些隐藏的错误。此外,在交流过程中我发现,MDPI 的工作人员都十分有礼貌。
——Author: Dr. Saghir Ahmad
We have recently published a research article in the special issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences “Hormones-Dependent Cancers: New Aspects on Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (II)”. We were impressed by the efficiency of the reviewing process and the competence and the helpfulness of the members of the Editorial office. Moreover, the provided online platform by the journal works very well and undoubtedly contributes for the rapidity of the manuscript’s submission and publication. This was our first publication in IJMS and we will definitely consider submitting manuscripts in this journal in the future.
我们最近在 IJMS 期刊的特刊“Hormones-Dependent Cancers: New Aspects on Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (II)”上发表了一篇研究论文。我们对审查过程的效率和编辑部的专业能力印象深刻。此外,期刊提供的在线投稿平台为稿件的快速提交和出版做出了重要贡献。这是我们在 IJMS 上的第一次发表,未来我们会考虑再次向该期刊投稿。
——Author: Dr. Dimcho Bachvarov
Very encouraging behaviour of the editor assigned to my topic, and credit goes to the MDPI team. I have the feeling that MDPI is more supportive of young/ new researchers and really wants good research to be published. Reviewers' comments to improve the manuscript were found to be very polite and "to the point". Overall, it was a very good experience with MDPI for my first publication. I also want to publish my second article with MDPI.
分配给我的期刊编辑令人鼓舞,这也归功于 MDPI 整个团队。MDPI 非常支持年轻/新的研究人员,并且希望优秀的成果能够被发表。审稿人对稿件的建议和评论礼貌且中肯。这是我第一次在 MDPI 发文,总的来说,是一次相当好的体验。我也希望能在 MDPI 发表我的第二篇文章。
——Author: Dr. Asif Iqbal
追溯传统出版与 OA 出版的历史,MDPI 仍然年轻,如青年人般探索新事物、寻求新突破,以推动行业发展,力求让越来越多的政府、科研机构和科学家个人,都加入到支持和倡导 OA 的队伍中。取得这一里程碑式的成就,MDPI 将更加坚定信心,全力以赴,与更多的用户和科研人员携手并肩,稳步前行。