Symmetry 系列研讨会第九场——“解微分方程的不同方法” | MDPI Webinar
发表时间:2023-01-13 阅读量:193
Symmetry 期刊系列研讨会将于北京时间2023年1月13日17:00进行线上直播。研讨会将由来自乌尼内图诺国际网络大学的 Clemente Cesarano 教授担任主席,Alessandra De Rossi 教授、Flavio Crisanti 教授,以及 Artur Ishkhanyan 教授担任演讲嘉宾。我们将与几位学者一起探索微分方程的最新结果,欢迎广大学者和相关领域的科研人员积极参与交流。
形式:英文线上会议 (免费参会)
时间:2023年1月13日 17:00~18:30 (北京时间)
ZOOM 平台直播 ID:874 4552 9212
Prof. Dr. Clemente Cesarano
Uninettuno University, Italy
Prof. Dr. Alessandra De Rossi
University of Turin, Italy
演讲主题:Adaptive Procedures for RBF Collocation Methods
Prof. Dr. Flavio Crisanti
University of Tuscia/DTT, Italy
演讲主题:The Grad-Shafranov Equation in Plasma Physics: Exact Solutions and Reconstruction of Physical Parameters
Prof. Dr. Artur Ishkhanyan
Institute for Physical Research, Armenia
演讲主题:A Survey on Heun Equations
1. Symmetry in Pure Mathematics and Real and Complex Analysis
Edited by Dr. Şahsene Altınkaya
Submission deadline: 31 January 2023
2. Exact Solutions with Symmetry Reduction and Long Time Behaviors of Non-linear Partial Differential Equations
Edited by Prof. Dr. Manwai Yuen et al.
Submission deadline: 17 February 2023
3. Fractional Dynamic Inequalities with Numerical Techniques and Its Application to Arbitrary Time Scales
Edited by Prof. Dr. Clemente Cesarano
Submission deadline: 28 February 2023
4. Symmetry in Mathematical Analysis and Functional Analysis II
Edited by Dr. Savin Treanta amd Prof. Dr. Octav Olteanu
Submission deadline: 28 February 2023
Symmetry 期刊介绍
主编:Sergei D. Odintsov, Barcelona and Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC), Spain
期刊主题涵盖了所有科学研究中有关对称/非对称现象的理论和应用研究,主要包括数学、计算机、工程科学、物理学、生物学、化学等领域的最新进展。期刊已被 Scopus、SCIE (Web of Science)、CAPlus/SciFinder 等多家知名数据库收录。
2021 Impact Factor:2.940
2021 CiteScore:4.3
Time to First Decision:16.9 Days
Time to Publication:36 Days