Children:中国性教育的发展 | MDPI Webinar

发表时间:2023-01-05 阅读量:258

Children 期刊举办的线上研讨会将于 2023 年 1 月 10 日北京时间 14:00 召开。本次研讨会由清华大学万科公共卫生学院的唐昆教授和联合国人口基金驻华代表处的 Dr. Justine Coulson 主持,同时邀请了北京师范大学的 Wenli Liu 教授、Xiying Wang 教授和 Binli Chen 教授、清华大学的 Jing Su 教授、中国上海生物医学与制药技术研究所的 Xiaowen Tu 教授和 Chunyan Yu 教授、香港教育大学的 Diana K. Kwok 教授,以及博士研究生 Fan Zhu、Yuhang Fang、Chong Liu、Zhenying Zhang、Yang Xie、Huina Dong 将共同探讨和分享关于儿童健康的系列研讨活动——中国性教育。欢迎从事相关领域研究的研究人员及学者积极参与交流。








时间:2023 年 1 月 10 日 14:00 (北京时间)






ZOOM ID: 836 0712 0577






14:00~14:10  Dr. Kun Tang (Chair), Dr. Justine Coulson (Co-Chair)

Chair Introduction



14:10~14:18  Ms. Fan Zhu

The Influencing Factors of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Capacity and Its Correlation with Subjective Social Status among Chinese Junior High School Students



14:18~14:26  Mr. Yuhang Fang

Sexual-related Knowledge, School and Family Sexuality Education and Its Association with Experience of Sexual Intercourse among Vocational Secondary School Students in China



14:26 – 14:34  Ms. Chong Liu

Secondary Education and Class Stratification: Understanding the Hierarchy of Sexuality Education in a Chinese Vocational High School



14:34~14:42  Ms. Zihang Zhang

Gender Differences in Sex Education in China: A Structural Topic Modelling Analysis Based on Online Knowledge Community Zhihu



14:42~14:50  Dr. Binli Chen

Does Friend Support Matter? The Association between Gender Role Attitudes and School Bullying among Male Adolescents in China



14:50~14:58  Ms. Zhenying Zhang

Bullying Perpetration and Homophobic Teasing: Mediation through Gender Role Attitudes



14:58~15:06  Ms. Yang Xie

Gender Differences in the Effects of BMI on School Bullying and Victimization in China: Comparing Normal Weight, Underweight and Overweight Secondary School Students



15:06~15:14  Dr. Diana K. Kwok  

Chinese Sexuality Minority Students Experiencing Microaggressions: Implications for Sexuality Education



15:14~15:22  Dr. Chunyan Yu

Comparing the Perceptions of Gender Norms among Adolescents with Different Sibling Contexts in Shanghai, China



15:22~15:30  Ms. Huina Dong

Promoting Sexuality Education for Children and Adolescents on A Large Scale: Program Design, Organizational Cooperation Network and Administrative Mobilization




Moderators:Dr. Kun Tang & Dr. Justine Coulson

Panelists:Prof. Dr. Xiying Wang;Prof. Dr. Xiaowen Tu;Dr. Diana K. Kwok;Prof. Dr. Wenli Liu

Panel Discussion and Q&A



16:25~16:30  Dr. Kun Tang (Chai)

Closing of Webinar









Dr. Kun Tang






Dr. Justine Coulson



Dr. Justine Coulson 是联合国人口基金 (UNFPA) 驻中国代表兼联合国人口基金驻蒙古国主任。她于 2016 年加入人口基金,担任东部和南部非洲副区域主任。在此之前,她在 MSI Reproductive Choices 工作了 10 余年,担任过多个国家的领导职务,最后担任亚洲区域总监。Coulson 女士的国际发展职业生涯始于英国纽卡斯尔大学全球城市研究部的社会发展和性别顾问,之后转到英国救助儿童会的经济政策部。她曾在亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲工作,涉及广泛的发展问题组合,始终侧重于解决不平等问题和维护妇女和女童的权利。她拥有博士学位、英国纽卡斯尔大学性别与国际发展学士学位,以及英国利物浦大学拉丁美洲研究文学学士学位。



会议主办方——Children 期刊介绍



主编:Paul R. Carney, University of Missouri at Columbia, USA


2021 Impact Factor:2.835

2021 CiteScore:2.0

Time to First Decision:20.6 Days

Time to Publication:39 Days